Museum Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 11am to 3pm | Sunday: 2pm to 5pm | Monday: Closed | Free admission | Contact Info: 400 College Blvd Clute, Texas 77531 | 979-265-7831 | bmns@bcfas.org

Museum Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday: 11am to 3pm
Sunday: 2pm to 5pm
Monday: Closed
Free admission
Contact Info:
400 College Blvd Clute, Texas 77531 | 979-265-7831 | bmns@bcfas.org
Hall of Malacology

Mildred Tate
Mildred Tate dared to dream. Her vision both challenged and inspired her fellow workers. She gave tirelessly to the museum from its inception in 1964 until her death in 1990. With insight, leadership and determination, she created an outstanding collection and display of shells, winning state and national recognition for the museum. She epitomized excellence in the field of malacology and instilled her love of shells and nature in a generation of people.
Currently the museum has 14,000+ molluscs and related specimens on view to the public. Included is an extensive collection of Texas molluscs as well as regional and worldwide collections.