
Museum Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 11am to 3pm | Sunday: 2pm to 5pm | Monday: Closed | Free admissionContact Info: 400 College Blvd Clute, Texas 77531 |  979-265-7831 |


Museum Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday: 11am to 3pm
Sunday: 2pm to 5pm
Monday: Closed
Free admission

Contact Info:
400 College Blvd Clute, Texas 77531979-265-7831 |


Mission Statement

BMNS provides facilities, objects, exhibits and programs to educate and challenge our audience to explore and discover our Natural Sciences, preserve and respect our Natural History, conserve and restore our Natural Resources and thus gain enlightenment and appreciation of the beauty and the wonders of our natural environment and the wisdom of preserving our natural heritage.


BMNS is a path to assist our visitors on their journey of life long learning. Stepping stones on this path are the exhibits and educational programs in Malacology, Paleontology, Mineralogy, Zoology and Archaeology. Facilities for exhibits, meeting areas, laboratories, preparation areas and storage space are the foundations of this path. Enhanced exhibits and educational programs will draw visitors to the museum. Public relations and exhibit openings tell the public that the museum is illuminating the path and invites visitors to take the journey.

The Brazosport Museum of Natural Science is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.  We are a 100% volunteer organization and rely on community donations.  Your membership and/or donation is tax deductible and can be made in person, by US Mail or via PayPal.  Know that your donation stays in the Museum and is very much appreciated.

For PayPal donations, please send to

By US Mail:  BMNS, 400 College Blvd., Clute, TX  77531


Tuesday – Saturday 11am-3pm
Sunday 2pm to 5pm
Monday Closed
Free admission

Membership Levels:

Individual $10
Family $20
Benefactor $100
Life $1000

Museum Membership Information

Member Benefits

Members receive discounts on:

- store items purchased in the Museum

 - all educational programs

- Summer at the Center, Museum’s children’s programs

Exclusive Member Only Newsletter

Access to an extensive library.